Friday 24 January 2014

Researching Showreel Requirements Part 1

While researching different showreels, I have looked into what requirements I would need to meet for certain high profile companies. With the hope that if I meet the higher profile companies requirements for a showreel, that I can have a wide range of information that will also help me to apply for lower profile company jobs. 
For example I found  a very useful page on the Pixar Animation website, informing applicants on what is needed to create a high quality demo reel including length and what order work should be showcased. 

Looking at what Pixar suggested I now know that if I want a successful showreel I need to make sure that:
- My showreel should not be any longer than 4 minutes.
- If I want to include music in my showreel that it should be basic, or to leave it off altogether.
- To put my strongest work first, and to make sure that it applies to the job I am looking for.
- To put a title card at the beginning of my showreel and my name and contact details at the end.
- I should include information on what I worked on if it was a group project, for example if I modeled the scene did I also texture it.
- I should include stages of the process that I used, like design sketches or concept artwork.
- To make sure that my showreel is finished to a high standard.

I will make sure to meet all of these requirements when thinking about my showreel.

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